tag?? binatang apakah itu....

In the name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

Aku dapat tag dari deeNa....aku pun x mngerti apa itu tag....tp cam best lak...layan.......!!!
Mekaciih cebab tag caye....... :)

3 names in your message inbox

your main ringtone
Mariam Fares - Ana Mosh Ananeya (im not a selfish)
Sherine - Ala Baly (i care)
Shania Twain - You Still The One

Huh.....sepatah tanya.....seribu aku jawab....ngeh3x

what you did at 12 last night
mimpi...pastu mamai ambik towel g mandi wajib...

who was the last person you went with? where?
ngn kengkawan study group......p wat BBQ kt umah yg bernama 'tahzibunnufus'

the colour of t-shirt you are wearing now
dark maroon....bkn maroon5 ye.... :P

the last thing you did

manja2 ngn housemate smbil sekeh kepala..

3 of your everyday favorite items
mynikon....sudip kt dapor...kasut takraw..

the colour of your bedroom
putih....mix vanilla skit...

how much money in your wallet now?
3 genih....RM 1.50....pastu ngn duit2 syiling yg bersepah2 kt loker

how's life?
bak kata membe aku "tennnnaaaang...dont be kalut2.."

your favorite song
Raihan - I'tiraf
Maher Zain - Hold My Hand
Ramli Sarip - Nyanyian Serambi
The Calling - Wherever You Will You Go

one more..lagu yg aku seniri hentam nyanyi....
pastu membe aku jerit "Dah!!!!! xnak dgr!!!"

what will you do next weekend?
exam...semoga berjaya bersama kengkawan.. :)

when was the last time you see your mom?
november 2009...kat KLIA...mak...kalo x sempat jumpa,
we'll see at jannah with Allah mercy...love u :)

last we're hugging each other ago...

where is she now
kat dapoq....wat tepung talam dan lain2 lg....hempa nak kol mak aku

when was the last time you talk to your parents?
2 hari yg lalu....

who is the last person talked to you last night?
umi putri

the last surprise you got
dapat anak buah pertama....alya danisha...yeee..jd paksu :D

last thing you borrowed from your friend
kunci umah kimi...pasai aku nk p umah dy lg pasni..hihi

who is your future wife?
mak aku kata umiputri...aku ikut je..cewaaah...taatnya..anak sapa la ni.... :P

what do you feel right now
nak mngejar bahagia....fuhh ayat....nmpak cam budak baik yg slalu dipuji guru...LOL

wanna share with who?

who know your secret?
who cares....

they keep your secret?
who cares....must i repeat it again....?

are you angry with someone?

what do you order at McD?
bek aku p kedai makan makcik kt simpang tu...peehh..lauk kampung terbaik dr ladang!!

the last time you feel so sad?
bak kata lagu UNIC - Hanya Tuhan Yang Tahu

soalan bonus aku cipta sendiri :

your favourite football team?
Arsenal....the gunners never lost bullet...
however......good job Mourinho....what a great goal by Milito....InterMilan won..


deena farhana said...

alahai..sy buat tag xbuh gamba pun..mmm...kreatif! pndai.. tuka soalan pon pndai...tambah soalan pon pndai..heee

hairil said...


kpd penggubal soalan tag ni jgn marah...

harap2 jwpn menepati kehendak skema soalan...
